About the villa

26 km from Tallinn, romantic Laitse Graniitvilla is a special venue for celebrating special occasions. The ground floor of this historical granite building features two large halls for social events. For those who would like to spend the night, there are suites upstairs displaying the works of a number of artists. Graniitvilla is surrounded by a large sculpture garden with numerous monumental sculptures by the landlord himself, Tauno Kangro.

About the villa

26 km from Tallinn, romantic Laitse Graniitvilla is a special venue for celebrating special occasions. The ground floor of this historical granite building features two large halls for social events. For those who would like to spend the night, there are suites upstairs displaying the works of a number of artists. Graniitvilla is surrounded by a large sculpture garden with numerous monumental sculptures by the landlord himself, Tauno Kangro.

Getting here

In order to get to Laitse Graniitvilla, take the Tallinn-Haapsalu road and turn off to the right towards Laitse. Drive on for around 700 metres and turn right at the white Laitse Graniitvilla sign on the right-hand side of the road. From there, drive a further 700 metres and take a left turn into the car park before reaching the garden.

Contact details

Address: Harju county, Saue parish, Laitse village, Lossipargi tee 8
Telephone: (+372) 641 1002
E-mail: info@graniitvilla.ee


In order to get a quote, please contact us at info@graniitvilla.ee or fill in the form on the right.
Graniitvilla is open by appointment only.

Contact us


    November 3, 2024, 17:00
    Dave Benton koos tütarde Sissi ja Lisaga “Isa ja tütarde jõulukontsert”
    Dave Benton ja tema kaunid tütred Sissi ning Lisa annavad Laitse Graniitvillas mõnusa kontserdi avamaks jõulueelse perioodi, mis on samuti kõige tähendusrikkam periood aastas....
    November 28, 2024, 20:00
    ”Õhtust, Leon!” krimikomöödia
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